Concrete Pavers used at Residential Estate include C.E.L. Paving Interlocker, tan bond paver and aggregate paver

De Velde Residential Estate


The Cape Dutch style of architecture of the De Velde estate was enhanced by the use of concrete block paving manufactured by C.E.L. Paving products. Several concrete paving product’s were used in the development, including the C.E.L Paving’s interlocker. The Interlocker was used in the roadways and was specified with a brownstone coarse exposed aggregate topping, which is in keeping with the natural feel of the surrounding Helderberg Mountain range. For the walkways in the estate, C.E.L Paving supplied their tan bond paver providing an aesthetically pleasing product alongside the exposed aggregate paver. The two finishes where complimented by the use of charcoal cobbles which demarcated the interface between the walk ways and driveways. The architect also made use of the C.E.L Paving product’s’, standard grey interlocker for the parking areas, where the charcoal coloured interlocker was made use of to delineate parking bays

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